Happy Holidays from the Brotherhood of Appreciating Repeal Day!

Happy Holidays from the Brotherhood of Appreciating Repeal Day!
email repealdaypa@gmail.com for information

Monday, January 26, 2009

Beer Nutz

Hope all is well. Ran across this show today on Hulu.com and thought I would pass it along.

It's called Beer Nutz. This is Season 1 Episode 1.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Penn Brewery, The Famous Final Scene

So long, old friend...
Since 1986, the Penn Brewery has been the "last stop" as we would leave Pittsburgh and head north on 79 toward home. Now the historic brewery, as we know it, will close sometime in February. Members of the B.O.A.R.D made a final visit last evening for dinner and some fine authentic german lagers. I especially liked the kaiser pils.