Happy Holidays from the Brotherhood of Appreciating Repeal Day!

Happy Holidays from the Brotherhood of Appreciating Repeal Day!
email repealdaypa@gmail.com for information

Monday, October 12, 2009


Saturday's Oktoberfest at the Apollo Maennerchor was a blast. The event sold out and our first keg (Paulaner Oktoberfest-Märzen) kicked way earlier than anyone anticipated. Thank you John Eaton for making the drive as we picked up a keg of Sam Adams Octoberfest which carried us the rest of the night! The food was superb and every bit authentic. Gemütlichkeit was the word to describe the spirit of festive camaraderie. Thanks to all the guys and girls that helped to pull it off.
Oans, zwoa, g'suffa...
Funds will go to the Apollo Maennerchor to make kitchen improvements.
Now, we prepare for Repeal Day!!!