Happy Holidays from the Brotherhood of Appreciating Repeal Day!

Happy Holidays from the Brotherhood of Appreciating Repeal Day!
email repealdaypa@gmail.com for information

Monday, October 15, 2007

Local Beer Tournament

I haven't made it out to any local places this month but just wanted to add something to the Blog. I did, however, run across a new brew (new to me at least). I really enjoyed. It's called Yuengling Premium from the oldest brewery in the country. I've added the link to the brewery's website.


Also, last year the Washington Post ran a "March Madness" type beer tournament. I just wanted to pass along the link.


I think the BOARD would have fun running our own tournamnet sometime in the future.


CB Phillips said...

Repeal Day is an excellent idea. As a former Valleyite who lives not too far away in the 'burbs of Pittsburgh, I may try to make it down for the event.

John said...

If anyone needs tickets to the event. You can contact the BOARD at...

