Happy Holidays from the Brotherhood of Appreciating Repeal Day!

Happy Holidays from the Brotherhood of Appreciating Repeal Day!
email repealdaypa@gmail.com for information

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Beer Sighting: Holiday Seasonals

We are well into the time that the holiday seasonals will be appearing.

I found 3 at Chestnut Street Cafe:
The St. Nikolaus Bock (Penn Brewing), Celebration Ale (Sierra Nevada), and Christmas Ale (Great Lakes) are all pouring.

I have it on good authority that as of this post, Our Gang's is putting on Erie Brewing's Ol' Red Cease and Desist Wee Heavy Scottish Ale. Georgia's City Lights also put this on tap last week. It's quite strong at 10.1% ABV, so be careful as to not shoot your eye out.

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