Happy Holidays from the Brotherhood of Appreciating Repeal Day!

Happy Holidays from the Brotherhood of Appreciating Repeal Day!
email repealdaypa@gmail.com for information

Monday, February 25, 2008

B.O.A.R.D. Minutes- February 2008

At the February B.O.A.R.D. meeting we had the opportunity to meet with a special guest, Mr. Geoff Marenchin, a musician who was present at Iceland's first Repeal Day in 1989. March 1st, 1989 is the date when a 75-year-long prohibition of beer was lifted. Pubs, restaurants, and clubs all around Reykjavik are especially wild this night. Geoff was kind enough to share some postcards mailed to his father while he experienced the historic event. Join the B.O.A.R.D. this Friday evening (2/29/08) at Chestnut Street Cafe as we celebrate Leap Day as well as the eve our Icelandic brothers and sisters Repeal Day!
Anyway, the Thursday meeting had a good turnout as we shared pitchers 60 minute IPA and Victory Weizenbock at Our Gang's Lounge. Cheers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you have an addy where I might connect with Geoff?
He is a childhood friend of mine.